Anna Anisimova

Tulosta kirjailijan esittely ja tuotantotiedot. Voit hyödyntää koostetta vierailun markkinoinnissa.
Siperiassa syntynyt ja Suomessa asuva venäläinen lastenkirjailija, venäläisen lastenkirjallisuuden artikkeleiden kirjoittaja
Kirjojeni kohderyhmä
Aikuiset , Alakoulu , Alkuopetus , Päiväkoti/esikoulu
My first book “Nevidimyi slon” was published in 2013 and was included in the 2017 IBBY Selection of Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities. Since more than 10 my books were published in Russia. One of them, “Kapitan Borsch”, was translated to Ukranian. Also books “Nevidimyi slon” and “Muzyka moego dyatla” were staged in Russian theatres. Some of my books were awarded by Russian awards.
I have experience of meetings in libraries and schools not only in Russia but in Finland too. In my meetings in Finland I usually read my short stories and discuss them so children can listen literary language and can discover new words and sentences that especially important for bilingual children. Also I like to play language games and games by my books so children can have some fun and knowing that reading and creating is cool. And of course I tell about Russia, because I lived in Siberia and in Sankt-Petersburg and some of my books tells about different places in Russia.
Mitä teen vierailulla?
For adult readers I can tell about contemporary Russian children's literature. My favorite themes: different places in Russia, language diversity, children's every-day-life. But I follow new Russian books so I can discuss another.
In my meetings with children I can read my texts, talk with children about heroes and Russian words, play some language games or do some exercises by my books. My books tell about different themes: about life of blind girl, about friendship, about death, about different places in Russia so for some meetings I can focus only on one theme.
And also I can tell children about contemporary Russian children's literature and profession of children's writer and give them a master-class about creating short stories.
Authors web-page:
HELMET has most of my books for reading. Some of my books in Helmet:
Gutya, 2020, Voltšok
Muzyka mojego djatla, 2020, Samokat
Jehali mašinki, 2019, Retš
Istorii Tvetnogo projezda, 2017, Egmont Rossija Ltd
Odnaždy my s Petkoi, 2016, Detskoje vremja